Post dental Surgery: The Benefits of Self-Care for Recovery

Post dental Surgery: The Benefits of Self-Care for Recovery



It’s typical for post-oral surgery edoema to exist. For the majority of people, it rises for two to three days before beginning to fall. Call the clinic to make an appointment if, after three days, your discomfort and swelling worsen.



The most uncomfortable time for you will be when your mouth begins to feel normal again.



For the first twelve to twenty four hours following surgery, you might anticipate bleeding or “oozing.”


Don’ts for everyone undergoing dental surgery:

Unless your surgeon specifically instructs you to, avoid applying heat to your face. Heat might make edoema worse.


Do not smoke, suck on something, or use a straw. The blood clot that is keeping your wounds closed may become loose as a result of these acts, resulting in further bleeding and delaying the healing process.


If your doctor has advised you to take sinus precautions:

  • Avoid blowing your nose. Instead, wipe.
  • Keep your mouth open if you really need to sneeze.
  • Avoid using straws.
  • Don’t smoke.

The process of extracting impacted teeth differs greatly from that of extracting erupted teeth. You will probably experience these signs for a brief period of time after having an impacted tooth extracted:


  • Opening your mouth is difficult.
  • An earache around your surgical site and pain when swallowing

Your bottom lip or tongue on the side in which the tooth was extracted can be numb if the affected tooth was in the lower jaw. Although this numbness should eventually gone, it could last for a few days to several months.


Following surgery, you could experience lip sores as well. As your lips heal, apply Vaseline or petroleum jelly.


The Benefits of Self-Care for Recovery

For at least an hour and possibly up to two or three hours, chew upon that sponges that have been placed in your mouth after the procedure.

If you are bleeding heavily:


  • Remove all extra blood clots from the mouth with gauze.
  • The bleeding region should only be covered with a clean, wet gauze pad.
  • For 20 minutes, apply firm pressure on the gauze to prevent blood loss. Repeat as necessary.
  • In case the bleeding doesn’t really cease, contact the clinic or the on-call oral surgery resident.

Inflammation and Bruising


  • Rest with your head elevated to lessen swelling. For the first 8 to 12 hours following surgery, try to stay as still as possible.
  • After surgery, start utilizing ice or cold compresses to assist reduce swelling:
  • Place the pack over the surgical site on the face.
  • After 15 minutes with the package on your face, take it off. Repeat.
  • If both portions of mouth were surgically repaired, apply the gel first to one side of your face before moving on to the other. (15 min. per side)

After surgery, repeat this as frequently as possible for the rest of the day. After then, using an ice pack or cold compress won’t assist to reduce swelling.

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